Min flyvetur med Darryl was fantastisk!!!!!!!!
Det var det vildeste jeg nogensiden har oplevet. Flyet var lille bitte og da vi lettede fik jeg en klump i halsen, fordi folelsen af at flyve var saa overvaeldende og intens. Vi floj ud langs kysten, over vandet ud til en lille o, videre ind over land til bjergene - The Glass House Mountains...
Og saa blev jeg luftsyg!!!!! Det kom fra det ene sekundt til det naeste. Jeg havde det fint og var vild med det og 2 sekunder senere vidste jeg, at der ikke var nogen vej uden om - jeg ville braekke mig!
Saa jeg sagde til Darryl, at jeg var syg og skulle kaste op. Han tog det meget roligt og sagde, at det skulle jeg ikke bekymre mig om, der var braek-poser... Han rakte ind over mig for at finde den og blev bleg... Hans naeste ord var 'Oh, there is not...'. Kan I forestille jer at sidde i et mikroskopisk fly og vide at lige om lidt braekker i jer uden at have noget at braekke jer i???? Ikke fedt!!!!! :)
5 minutter senere landede vi og jeg kunne faa skyllet min t-shirt. I ovrigt havde jeg det straalende igen, straks jeg havde braekket mig.
Darryl var meget omsorgsfuld og kobte en cola til mig og sorgede for, at jeg kom mig helt inden vi korte hjem. Han var meget bekymret.
Det behovede han nu ikke at vaere. Jeg elskede hver minut oppe i luften og jeg ville flyve igen nu, hvis jeg kunne :). Det var virkelig WOW!!!!
Og Darryl lod mig styre flyet. Det var den vildeste folelese at det jeg gjorde fik flyet til at gaa op og ned og til hojre og venstre. Jeg fulgte kyst-linjen et paent stykke og sorgede for at holde den rette hojde. COOOOOOL!!!!!!
The Legend of The Glass House Mountains:
It is said that Mt.Tibrogargan, the father, and Mt.Beerwah, the mother, had many children - Mt.Coonowrin (the eldest), Mt.Beerburrum, the Mt.Tunbubudla twins, Mt.Coochin twins, Mt.Ngungun, Mt.Tibberoowuccum, Mt.Miketebumulgrai and Mt.Saddleback. There were also Mt.Round who was fat and small and Mt.Wildhorse who was always paddling in the sea. One day, Tibrogargan was gazing out to sea when he noticed a great rising of the waters.
Hurrying off to gather his younger children in order to flee to the safety of the mountains which lay to the west, he called out to Coonowrin to help his mother, who was again with child. Looking back to see how Coonowrin was assisting Beerwah, Tibrogargan was greatly angered to see him running off alone. He pursued Coonowrin and, raising his club, struck the latter such a mighty blow that it dislocated Coonowrin's neck and he has never been able to straighten it since.
When the floods subsided and the family returned to the plains, the other children teased Coonowrin about his crooked neck. Feeling ashamed, Coonowrin went to Tibrogargan and asked for forgiveness, but filled with shame at his son's cowardice, Tibrogargan could do nothing but weep copious tears, which, trickling along the ground, formed a stream which flowed into the sea. Then Coonowrin went to his brothers and sisters, but they also wept at the shame of their brother's cowardice.
The lamentations of Coonowrin parents and his brothers and sisters at his disgrace explain the presence, to this day, of the numerous small streams of the area. Tibrogargan then called Coonowrin, asking him why he had deserted Beerwah; at which Coonowrin replied that as Beerwah was the biggest of them all she should be able to take care of herself. He did not know that Beerwah was again pregnant, which was the reason for her great size. Then Tibrogargan turned his back on Coonowrin and vowed that he would never look at him again.
Even today, Tibrogargan gazes far out to sea and never looks around at Coonowrin, who hangs his head and cries, his tears running off to the sea. His mother Beerwah is still heavy with child as it takes a long, long time to give birth to a mountain.
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